Zen Koans in search of the tru...






Hyena The hyena is Africa's most common large carnivore. Over the years hyenas and humans have come into close contact in Afri...



Estepona Wild Fires rage on a 2km front

Police and Ambulances hurried to evacuate as wild fires quickly spread our reporter on the scene photographer the devastation&nbs...

Estepona on Fire

We had a tiny little fire today, which they put out.Then an hour later, it restarted, and spread along 2 Klm of the coast.It was horrible seeing old people being run out of their homes, and carried through the smoke by police and ambulances.The pictures really doesn,t do show bad it really was.many houses have gone &nbs...

Vintage Ads Most Disturbing Household Products

 All of the following ads are real and unaltered, so don't blame us. We weren't there when they were made, and in some cases the entire insane thought process that went into creating them has been lost to history. Maybe they made perfect sense at the time?Maybe. But it's really hard to see how even our parents and grandparents didn't get nightmares from ...#13. Three-Legged Dingo Bootsvintageadbrowser.comThe...

Freeze Fresh Herbs in Oil to Preserve Them

Have a few fresh herbs sitting around that you won't get to using before they turn? Sure, you can freeze them in water or dry them out, but if you know you'll use them relatively quickly, you can add a few weeks to their life without damaging their potency by freezing them in oil instead. We've shown you how to make simply syrups with them, and how to use sea salt to dry them, but if you have some lovely herbs you want to use, but won't get to before they turn brown, consider dropping them in an ice cube tray, filling up the cubes with olive oil (or any other oil of your choice, as long as it freezes nicely), and popping them in the freezer. When you're ready to fry some potatoes, for example,...

mclaren 12C spider convertible

'MP4-12C spider' by mclarenmclaren automotive has produced its second 'MP4-12C' model, the '12C spider'. bred through the essence of a race car, the '12C spider' incorporates a convertible roof explicitly designed to let users experience the sounds of the vehicle's V8 twin turbo engine. unlike many other convertible models, the hard top roof can be operated whilst moving at speeds...

star wars recreations of famous photographs

a photo series by david eger recreates famous photos and paintings with star wars figurines and handcrafted setsabove: 'troopers raising the flag on iwo jima' (joe rosenthal's 'raising the flag on iwo jima')all images © david egeras part of a year-long project '365 days of clones', canadian art teacher david eger has recreated famous photographs and paintings using star wars figurines....
Koon Hack ZMTemplates
Koon Hack Blogger Templates